Once-A-Year Pest Control


Every day about 1,200 people wake up as new Florida residents. As of 2021, about 64% of Florida’s population was born outside of Florida. Also, since around 20% of Florida’s wildlife is a non-native species, even the saltiest of Floridians are finding themselves battling unfamiliar pests.

Whatever your level of Florida man or woman, prevention is the most important aspect of pest control in the Sunshine State. Using these pest control tips can help to keep your home pest free.

Pest Control Tips
By following these pest control tips you can help to make your home less inviting to invading pests!

Pest Control Tips: Outdoor Lighting

One of the best pest control tips on this list is to limit your use of outdoor lighting. Lights on at night will attract moths, swarming ants, beetles, roaches, frogs, lizards, and wasps. Using outdoor lights sparingly can greatly reduce the amount of flying insects attracted to your house. Lighting is especially important when you live near a body of water (ponds, Indian River Lagoon) or wilderness areas as there are many more flying insects nearby.

Use red or yellow lightsLeaving white light on overnight
Use motion detection lights that only change to white with movementLeaving decorative pool cage lights on overnight.
Use blackout curtains in rooms you frequent at night.Leaving the garage door open at night; especially with the light on.
Use motion detection lights
Use landscape lighting to cast light toward your house. Insects will go to the source of the light so it’s better for that light source to not be touching your house.
Do’s and Don’t of lighting your Florida home and landscape from a pest management perspective
  • Frogs, geckos, spiders, lizards, and wasps are all predators of flying insects. Lights that are often left on overnight result in reliable an all-you-can-eat buffet for these creatures.
  • Insects see and are attracted to the night vision light emitted from cameras.

Trash Can Location

Trash bins are a huge attractant to many pests.

  • Avoid storing the trash can inside your garage.
  • If flies are a problem stick a Terro Trash Guard inside your bin. One lasts up to 6 months.
  • Keep your bin clean.

Protect Your Drains While Away

When the water in the P trap of your drains is allowed to evaporate, roaches from the sewer, septic system, or roof vent can invade your home. When the water evaporates, the sewer gas released can attract more roaches via the roof vent. Water evaporating can also allow roaches from the septic or sewer system directly into your home.

If you are going to be away from home for more than a week it is recommended you protect your drains so you are protected from roaches.

  • If you leave your house for more than a few days covering the drains can help prevent evaporation.
  • Adding vegtable or mineral oil to your drain can help prevent evaporation.
  • The water in the drain may disapear faster if there is a leak.

Use Proper Underlayment

In the beds around your home and under pavers, it is not advised to use plastic, garbage bags, visqueen, or any other non-permiable underlayment. Using plastic in your beds creates an environment that is favorable for ants and roaches while preventing chemical treatments from reaching it’s intended target.

Debris Near House

Pests are always looking for something to live under.

  • Leaf litter.
  • No stacked wood near house.
  • Stacked wood by your house will void most termite warranties.

No Cardboard Boxes

The rise of E-commerce has given rise to roaches being delivered.

  • Packages can come with roaches.
  • Roaches and silver fish are attracted to boxes.
  • Use storage bins instead to store items long-term.
  • Consider using cedar products(balls, slivers, chips)when storing items long-term.
  • Open boxes outside if possible. Especially if it came from another persons house but even boxes shipped from retail warehouse facilities can come with roaches included.

Check Door Seals

Faulty door seals can give pests unfettered access to your home.

  • Entry doors.
  • Garage door.

Seal Holes/Cracks

Cracks and holes will happen over time.

  • Floridas brutal sun & salt can deteriorate caulk and rubber seals quickly.
  • Lots of cracks can appear in concrete homes.
  • No gutters cause can cause foundation problems in Florida.

Outdoor Kitchen Caution

Outdoor kitchens have to be meticulously cleaned after each use to avoid pest problems.

  • Can attract raccoons, opossums, and rats. They will rip a screen for a taste.
  • Attracts roaches.
  • Having an outdoor kitchen physically attached to your house makes it easy for pests to gain access to your home.

No Plants/Trees Touching House

Plants touching your house can cause ant, raccoon, rat, and opossum problems.

  • Ants can avoid pesticide barriers.
  • Make it easier for mammals to access your attic.
  • Vigilance is required due to our constant vegetative growth.

Avoid Scalping Your Lawn

Many Space and Treasure Coast residents have Floratam St. Augustine grass lawns. While it’s beautiful when maintained correctly it requires a VERY tall cutting height. A very high cutting height is the opposite mowing practice for nearly every other type of turfgrass everywhere, so lawn scalping is a common issue here.

  • Exposes grass parts to sunlight that should not be exposed to sunlight
  • Chinch bugs can sense the stressed grass from long distances and will travel to get some of that low hanging fruit.
  • Exposes soil to sunlight which in turn germinates weed seeds. Some of which are not treatable with selective herbicide. (You may have to kill your lawn and replace it)
  • Bad for your mower blade. Cutting stems dulls blades faster. Mower blades are only supposed to cut grass blades.
  • Line trimmers are not exempt from how tall Floratam is maintained. Line trimmers are worse for the grass blades and the turf should be maintained slightly higher in those areas to reduce stress. Areas of grass that are repetitively scalped will eventually be replaced with weeds.


Unregulated irrigation can be the cause of many pests. It can even kill your grass over the winter by rotting it away. A rain sensor and seasonal updates are needed to maintain a healthy St. Augustine lawn.

  • Causes Fire Ants.
  • Causes dollarweed, sedge, and crabgrass.
  • Contribites to Indian River Lagoon runoff.

Keep Compost Bins Far From Your House

Compost bins being attractive to pests is part of how they work. Keep them far from your house.

  • Designs attached to the ground tend to attract fire ants.
  • Attracts carpenter ants.
  • Attracts roaches.
  • Keep compost bins at least 20′ from your house.

Drain Away From The House

Use a splash block to move air conditioner water away from the foundation of your home.
Use a splash block to move air conditioner water away from the foundation of your home.

All drains need to go away from your house.

  • A/C drains puddling next to the foundation can create optimal conditions for subterranean termite issues
  • A/C drains attract rats and other mammals in search of water.

Check Your Dryer Vent

Even vents on the roof. Dryer vents left unsealed can lead to:

  • Snakes inside dryers.
  • Rodents inside dryers.
  • Rodent access to house.


By following these simple pest control tips you can limit the amount of pests that are attracted to your home and therefore will have less pest control issues.



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