Keep Lizards out of your home


How do you keep Lizards out of your home?

Newcomers to Florida often find themselves captivated by the state’s unique wildlife – the iconic alligators, the slithering snakes, and the buzzing insects. However, one creature frequently catches new residents off guard: the lizard. While these reptiles might be harmless, their presence indoors can be unsettling.

Florida boasts an impressive array of lizard species, with a surprising imbalance between natives and invasive species. Currently, there are 15 native lizard species and a staggering 48 non-native ones, making unwanted house guests a common occurrence.

So, how can you protect your home from these scaly invaders?

Keep Lizards out of your home
Keeping doors and windows sealed is the best way to prevent lizards from getting into your home.

Seal Up Your Sanctuary

The most effective way to deter lizards is to deny them entry points. Here’s how:

  • Secure Your Doors and Windows: Ensure all exterior and screen doors have intact door sweeps and tight seals to prevent lizards from squeezing through gaps. Check for any openings around windows and seal them properly.
  • Garage Door Lock-down: A faulty garage door seal can be a lizard’s welcome mat. Inspect the seal regularly and replace if needed.
  • Seal Crack and Crevices: Seal any cracks or holes in your home’s exterior to eliminate potential entry points.

Close the Lizard Buffet

Lizards are mostly attracted to insects, so reducing the insect population in and around your home is crucial.

  • Combat Outdoor Pests: Address any outdoor insect problems promptly. Insects like sod webworm adults and fungus gnats can be produced by an untreated lawn in great numbers that can attract lizards.
  • Outdoor Lighting Control: Geckos will gather where an outdoor light is routinely left on. To minimize their attraction, consider using motion-activated outdoor lights to minimize the amount of time lights are on. Installing lights in your home’s landscaping that cast light at your house will prevent bugs from swarming a light bulb that is physically attached to your house. Yellow bulbs can also reduce insect attraction although there will always be a few bugs that are still drawn to it.
Keep Lizards out of your home
A Peters Rock Agama is the latest addition to our areas invasive species.

Repelling Lizards Naturally

Commercial lizard repellents are available, and most of them are natural products made from essential oils like Clove, Peppermint, and Cinnamon.

  • Grannular Products: Products like Iguana Scram are granules that you sprinkle around your home.
  • Spray Products: Products like Lizard Defense can be effective deterrents if you apply it to the areas lizards like to hang out. However, be cautious when using these sprays as they can damage surfaces with their oily composition. Use caution around pavers, stucco, or any surface that can be damaged by an oily spray.
  • DIY Repellents: Some claim success with strong-smelling substances like onions, garlic, or pepper. However, their effectiveness is anecdotal.

The Mothball Myth

You might have heard that mothballs can repel snakes and lizards. While this might be true, using mothballs outdoors is illegal because mothballs are not labeled for outdoor use. Even if law enforcement doesn’t bother you, your neighbors certainly will. Many find the odor strong and unpleasant and it can cause respiratory problems.

The Peacock Feather

Peacocks are known to be natural predators of lizards. Legend has it that a tail feather from a peacock will scare lizards away. Some claim that the faux eye that scared lizards away because they think a predator is looking at them. Others claim that it’s the odor of the peacock that frightens them. Unfortunately, many people also report that peacock feathers become a favorite hangout for lizards so the jury is still out on this lizard control method.

Prevention is Key

Remember, the best defense against lizards is a well-sealed home with minimal insect activity. By taking proactive steps to secure your property and manage pest populations, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering unwanted lizard visitors.

If you’re struggling with a persistent lizard problem, consider contacting a professional pest control service like Pest & Lawn Organic Guard. We specialize in creating pest and termite-free environments that send lizards elsewhere for homes in Brevard and Indian River Counties. Call us at (321)704-0434 for your free estimate.

FAQ’s; How To Keep Lizards Out Of Your House

Are lizards harmful to humans?

Most lizards in Florida are harmless to humans. However, it’s important to practice good hygiene after handling any reptile, as they can carry salmonella.

Do lizards cause damage to homes?

Lizards typically don’t cause structural damage to homes. However, their droppings can be unsightly and may stain surfaces.

Will removing lizards attract other pests?

Actually, the opposite is true. Lizards feed on insects, so removing them can lead to an increase in pest populations.

What attracts lizards to my home?

Lizards are primarily attracted to insects, which are drawn to light and moisture.

How can I prevent lizards from entering my home?

Sealing cracks and crevices, repairing screens, and using door sweeps are effective ways to prevent lizard entry.

What should I do if I see a lizard in my house?

The best approach is to gently capture the lizard and release it outdoors.

Why are geckos so noisy?

Geckos are territorial and often make vocalizations to defend their territory or attract mates.

How can I discourage geckos from living near my home?

Reducing outdoor lighting, especially near your home, can deter geckos. Sealing entry points and removing potential food sources (insects) will also help.

What smell do lizards hate?

Garlic, Onions, Peppermint, Clove, and Cinnamon.

What keeps lizards away from your home?

Lizards are typically attracted to homes because of available food. If the lizard food sources are removed then the lizards move onto somewhere else.

Do we have Iguanas in our area?

Yes, Iguanas have found their way to the Space & Treasure Coasts. You can find them sunning themselves on docks in the Indian River Lagoon and Bananna River. They have utilized out extensive canal system to extend their range to the west to reach areas like Fellsmere, Palm Bay, and Cocoa.

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