Eco-Friendly Mosquito Control Service


Stay Safe and Protect Your Family

As the summer continues in Florida, it’s important to be aware of the potential health risks posed by mosquitoes. Recent reports from Orange County have confirmed two cases of Dengue fever. Given the proximity of Orange County to Brevard County, and since we tend to get daily showers into October. Taking proactive steps to minimize your risk of mosquito-borne illnesses is crucial.

Key Mosquito Prevention Strategies:

  1. Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Inspect your property for any areas where water can accumulate, such as:
    • Flower pots
    • Bird baths
    • Swimming pool covers
    • Clogged gutters
    • Discarded containers (e.g., soda cans, tires)
  2. Use Insect Repellent: When spending time outdoors, apply insect repellent containing DEET. DEET is a highly effective mosquito repellent that provides long-lasting protection.
  3. Utilize Outdoor Fans: Air currents can disrupt mosquitoes’ and no-see-um flight patterns and make it more difficult for them to find you. Consider using fans on your patio or deck.
  4. Get A Mosquito Magnet: A mosquito magnet uses carbon dioxide to mimic the breath of a large animal, attracting mosquitoes to a trap where they are captured and killed.
  5. Consider Eco-Friendly Mosquito Control: At Pest & Lawn Organic Guard Inc., we offer an environmentally friendly mosquito control solution using the In2Care system. This innovative approach utilizes a fungus to target and kill mosquitoes while also distributing a larvacide to eliminate breeding sites.
  6. Avoid Spraying and Fogging: While spraying and fogging can provide temporary relief, their effects are often short-lived. Consider long-term solutions like the In2Care system for more sustainable results.
  7. DIY Mosquito Trap: For a budget-friendly option, check out our blog for a DIY mosquito trap tutorial. This simple project can help reduce mosquito populations in your yard.
Mosquito Control
Mosquito Control.

Remember: Mosquito prevention is essential for protecting your health and the health of your loved ones. By following these guidelines and considering eco-friendly options, you can create a mosquito-free environment and enjoy your summer without worry.

Contact Pest & Lawn Organic Guard Inc. today to learn more about our effective and environmentally friendly mosquito control services.

FAQ’s Mosquito Control

What are the symptoms of Dengue fever?

Symptoms of Dengue fever can include high fever, severe headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and rash.

How long does it take for Dengue symptoms to appear?

Dengue symptoms typically appear 3-14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

How often should I empty standing water from containers?

It’s recommended to empty standing water from containers at least once a week, especially during the rainy season.

How does the In2Care system work?

The In2Care system uses a fungus to target and kill mosquitoes. It also distributes a larvacide to eliminate breeding sites.

How long does the In2Care system take to show results?

The In2Care system typically starts showing results in about 1 week of installation.

When are mosquitoes most active?

Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk.

What attracts mosquitoes to humans?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide, body heat, and sweat produced by humans.

What are some other mosquito-borne diseases besides Dengue fever?

Other mosquito-borne diseases include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, and yellow fever.

Can I use essential oils to repel mosquitoes?

Some essential oils, such as citronella and lavender, have mosquito-repellent properties. However, they may not be as effective as DEET-based repellents.

What is a mosquito magnet? How Does it work?

Mosquito Magnets: A Closer Look
While mosquito magnets can be effective, they do have some limitations. Here are a few things to consider:
Initial Setup: Mosquito magnets may take a few weeks to become fully effective as they need to establish a scent profile that attracts mosquitoes.
Cost: Mosquito magnets can be a significant investment, especially for larger properties.
Carbon Dioxide Hazard: Mosquito magnets use carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes. It’s essential to keep them outdoors and avoid bringing them indoors, as carbon dioxide can be hazardous if inhaled in high concentrations.
Maintenance: Mosquito magnets require regular maintenance, including cleaning and replacing the attractant.

Why do mosquitos bite me but not my husband?

There are several reasons why mosquitoes might prefer you over your husband:

Blood Type: Some blood types, like Type O, are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.
Body Chemistry: Individual body chemistry, including sweat and skin oils, can also influence mosquito attraction.
Body Heat: People who give off more heat, such as those who are pregnant or exercising, may be more attractive to mosquitoes.
Carbon Dioxide: Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, which humans exhale. People who exhale more carbon dioxide may be more likely to be bitten.
Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol can increase your body temperature and carbon dioxide production, making you more attractive to mosquitoes.
Clothing: Wearing dark-colored clothing can attract mosquitoes.

What smells do mosquitos hate?

Mosquitoes tend to dislike strong, pungent odors.

These can include:

Citronella: Often used in candles and repellents.
Lavender: A popular fragrance for many household products.
Peppermint: Known for its refreshing scent.
Lemongrass: Another popular ingredient in insect repellents.
Eucalyptus: A strong, aromatic oil.
Clove: A spicy, warm scent.


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